I still considered that too high and became concerned about how easy, or more likely difficult, it might be to sell a left hand drive in the fall. Right now everyone's buying to go touring around Europe but they'll all be returning in the autumn. So I widened my search to include right hand drives and other models. The next van we saw was a Renault Autosleeper for £2500. Sid, Sonia and I checked it out on our return trip from Auntie Shirley's birthday weekend. It was alright but the interior didn't call out to me and there was a disconcerting rusty hole inside the engine bay...let's see what else is out there.
And this lead me to my next viewing in East Grinstead, about an hour and a quarter from Aldershot. The gentlemen's name was Philip and he was selling a 1989 Ford Transit Autosleeper (Autosleeper is a company that camperizes various models...just as Westfalia does vee-dubs). It has a 2.5 liter diesel engine, so noisy but economical. The interior is pretty decent with a two burner stove and grill, a three way fridge (no, not sexually adventurous but it can run on gas, battery and when the van's plugged in), a small sink and plenty of storage space.
After driving back to Aldershot, I called Phil that evening as he had another inquiry to view it the next day so I had to act fast if I wanted it. I offered him £2300 - a couple hundred pounds off of his asking price as it did require a new leisure battery (that runs the internal electrics) which cost £120 and also needed to be road taxed which was another £205. The spare tire also needed some fixing and there were a few other minor thing but I figured I could sort those out.
I called the insurance company and they were to post the documents that day (a Tuesday). I couldn't go and get the van until I had these in my hands. Wednesday came and went, then Thursday...what, nothing?!? On Sonia's good advice, I called the company and for some reason the docs were still there! Luckily I did receive them on Friday morning so I hopped on the train and went to get the van from Phil. It took us close to 2 hours to get the tax and other documents in order and then I was on my way...my first attempt at driving on British roads! Thankfully I had no problems and thanks to Sonia's sat nav guiding the way, I was back in Aldershot in a little more than an hour.
I decided to call my new wheels/home, Betty...as in Betty Ford...and I'll let you draw you're own conclusions with that...
Congratulations on finally entering the home owners market Dave!